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Reiki Treatments and Courses


Reiki Treatments


Rediscover Your Authentic Self

Reiki is...​

Rei = Sacred or Spiritual
Ki = Life-force or Energy
Reiki is Spiritual / Sacred Energy...In essence we are all Reiki 


Everything  is energy, we are energy and when our body is in balance, our energy flows with ease.   At times we can feel as though something is hindering the flow, this might be emotional turbulence, stress or high anxiety.  Life's challenges can leave us feeling depleted, stuck and out of balance. 


Reiki is a non-invasive form of ‘palm healing’ or ‘energy healing’ that promotes the natural flow of energy through the body and creates balance and harmony on all levels.  â€‹


Reiki supports your body’s own healing capabilities and can help to ease pain, anxiety and tension, reduce stress and worry and bring a deep sense of relaxation and calmness, instilling a noticeable sense of wellbeing.  Reiki improves creativity and invokes an optimistic mindset that promotes positive life choices for greater inner peace and balance.  Regular Reiki treatments support calmer responses to life’s challenges.


Reiki works well with most medical conditions and all age groups, including pregnant women, new-born babies, children and animals.  Reiki has no contraindications and works beautifully alongside other complementary therapies and orthodox health care practices.


Relax and rebalance your mind and body, reclaim your spirit


We all hold the key to our own unbinding and our body knows how to heal itself when given the right conditions.  At times we need someone to walk alongside us for a while as we find our way, restore balance and return to wholeness.  â€‹

​​Your Reiki Treatment...


Before your Reiki Treatment:
Please avoid alcohol, caffeine and/or a heavy meal before your treatment.

During your Reiki Treatment:
Your Reiki treatment lasts for about an hour but please allow a couple of hours in total for a confidential consultation beforehand and time to integrate your healing afterwards and receive the aftercare guidance.  I have a cosy and warm treatment room and you will be fully clothed and invited to rest on a warm treatment couch.  Generally, there is no conversation during your treatment and soft music is played in the background.  You will have your eyes closed and may wear an eye-pillow if you choose.  During your treatment I will hover their hands over you, beginning at your head and moving down your body, following the flow of energy and any intuitive prompts, usually finishing at your feet.   You may feel a gentle breeze, warmth or coolness, or a light touch; sometimes you may feel nothing at all. 


Reiki treatments are deeply relaxing and restorative, and you may drift into a peaceful and restful sleep.  All you need to do is be open to receive all you need to receive and let Reiki do the rest. 


After your Reiki Treatment:
Reiki can help to detoxify the body and you may feel a little tired, dehydrated or headachy afterwards.  It is recommended that you avoid alcohol and caffeine and drink plenty of warm water and/or herbal teas for 24-48 hours after your treatment; you may need to go to the toilet more frequently as your body releases toxins.  You may notice changes in your body temperature and emotions as you regain equilibrium: these are all a natural part of the healing process and a good sign that your body is rebalancing.   You will receive aftercare advice to support you after your treatment.

Treatment costs:

​In Person treatment:  £45

*Remote / distance treatment: £45​​​​​

​*Please see the additional information below for more information on remote treatments​


To book your appointment please get in touch via the details below​



Become Unbound with Reiki and Sound

The combination of Reiki and Sound is a beautiful alchemical journey to that takes you to a deeply restorative and relaxing healing place.  â€‹


During your Reiki-Sound healing treatment I will record the sound waves that are personal for your healing intention. Following your treatment, the recording will be sent directly to you 


During your ‘Time of Unbinding’ with me the sounds that are created are what make your experience
uniquely and healing for you.  


In Person: £45

*Remote: £45

*Please see the additional information below for more information on remote treatments



Reiki Courses







The System of Reiki was birthed in Japan by Mikao Usui in the early 1900s as a
form of self-healing.  Its healing benefits were so profound that Reiki is now practiced

world-wide, enabling thousands of people to alleviate the symptoms of many

debilitating health conditions and return to wellness. 


My Pathway to Reiki

I stepped onto the Reiki path by receiving a Reiki treatment in June 2001.  I was so blown away by the impact on my physical and mental wellness that I had to learn this amazing way for self-healing.  I took Level One on my 36th birthday the same year and Level Two a year later and Level Three (Masters) in 2005.  When I became unwell with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) in 2014 and totally lost my mobility it was Reiki that helped me to get out of a wheelchair and brought me back into harmony and restored wellness and joy in my life.   Through this journey of self-discovery and healing I can safely say that Reiki has changed my life in deeply profound and positive ways.


Initially training in the ‘Western’ style with the Chakra system I was keen to go deeper and learn more about the 'Roots of Reiki' and the traditional Japanese teachings of the System of Reiki.  In 2021 I repeated Level Three Shinpiden Master-Teacher to integrate the traditional practices and teachings with the intention of sharing with others who “feel the call.”


It is with this combined knowledge that I bring the traditional Japanese teachings to the fore and currently offer Shoden Level One and Okuden Level Two – Practitioner Level, with plans to extend into Level Three Shinpiden teachings later in 2025. 


Reiki Shoden Level One


About the course

Open yourself up to a journey of self-discovery with Shoden Level One.  This beginner’s level and is suitable for all and will open doors to new ways of being that enhance your wellbeing and the wellbeing of those around you on all levels.

You will learn:

  • The history of the System of Reiki through its Founder Mikao Usui.

  • The Five Elements of the System of Reiki and how it can support your own healing and those close to you, such as family and friends.

  • The Five Reiki Precepts / Principles and how to chant the associated mantras in Japanese.

  • Shoden Level One breathing techniques and meditations to enhance your spiritual energy and mental focus

  • All the basic hand positions for performing ‘hands-on healing’ for yourself, family and friends.

  • During the course you will give and receive a full Reiki treatment

You will receive:

  • Full instructional manual

  • Additional resources to support your learning and practice

  • Four Reiki attunements

  • Shoden Certificate

  • Ongoing support after your initial teachings.  

Shoden Level One is a two-day course 9.30am to 5.30pm or can be accessed over four evenings 5.30pm-9pm.

Cost: £180 per person 

  • Maximum intake of four people per course to ensure you receive the full support needed to feel competent and confident in the practices.


Reiki Okuden Level Two – Practitioner Level

About the course:

Okuden means ‘Hidden’ or ‘Inner Teachings’…. Re-discovering your inner light and True Self.

Focusing on the five elements of the System of Reiki you will build upon your Shoden Level One Teachings and learn three Symbols (Shirushi) and Mantras (Jumon) that enable a deeper connective experience, support your personal practice and enhance your spiritual and intuitive gifts.

You will learn:

  • Okuden Level Two breathing techniques and meditations to enhance your spiritual energy and mental focus

  • Three symbols and mantras – Shirushi and Jumon - Discovering and embodying the Inner qualities of Earth Ki Heaven Ki and Heart Ki. 

  • Techniques for ‘distance’ or ‘remote’ healing

  • Techniques for intuitive healing

  • How to set up as a Reiki Practitioner

  • How to write up your case studies and treatment plans

You will receive:

  • Full instructional manual

  • Three Reiki attunements

  • Additional resources to support your learning and practice

  • Okuden Level Two Certificate (Received after completion of 4 written case studies

  • Ongoing support after your initial teachings. 

Duration: Okuden Level Two is a two-day course 9.30am to 5.30pm and can also be accessed over four evenings 5.30pm-9pm.


Cost: £220.00


Maximum intake of four people per course to ensure you receive the full support needed to feel competent and confident in the practices.



Immerse yourself on a 2-day Reiki Retreat as you
Learn the System of Reiki with full-board accommodation 

Dates and details to follow 

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*Remote Treatments

​​‘Remote Treatments’ are delivered at a pre-arranged time when the recipient is in a different location to the practitioner.  All modes of 'energy healing' can be received remotely and are as effective as if you were receiving them in person.

Energy flows all around us and connects us on levels that science is only beginning to understand.  Energy flows where intention goes. 


As with in-person treatments, Reiki and sound therapies delivered remotely can invoke a connection, understanding and subsequent release of many levels of disharmony, discomfort and ‘dis-ease’.


The process of remote healing


  1. An appointment is arranged at a mutually convenient time.

  2. I will contact you directly for your consultation and intention setting.

  3. You will go to your chosen place of quiet and settle in.  Being out in nature such as woodland, by the sea or river/stream are also perfect if the weather is suitable.

  4. I will go to my treatment room at the same time and connect with your energy to begin your treatment.

  5. I will create a recording for you if you have booked for sound or light language transmissions.

  6. After your treatment I will contact you to share my findings and your experience.

  7. I will send you your personal recording after your treatment. My  invitation is for you to use your recording as often or as little as you wish for the next few weeks.

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